12 April, 2010

like fantasy football, but totally different

One of my favorite things to do when I am bored and in front of a computer is to go to Youtube and search clips of Stephen Fry. I love that man. He's a terrifically funny person, but he can also speak on just about any subject both intelligently and engagingly, and I love listening to him. Plus, he has a very deep soothing voice and a lovely British accent. He's the host of the British quiz show Q.I., which is one of my very very favorite shows but sadly doesn't seem to exist anywhere in the U.S. except as a few Youtube clips. I wish I had it on DVD. Sigh.

Anyway, yesterday I was poking through clips of Stephen Fry and I thought how awesome it would be if I could invite him over for dinner sometime and just chat about the universe and things. And then I was thinking about who else I'd like to have over for a chat--this is something I think about fairly often, so I have a running list in my head. Stephen Fry is always at the top, but currently I'd also like to talk to:

(Iron Chef) Cat Cora, because she's a really excellent chef and is super-passionate about food, so we'd have plenty to talk about. I'm also pretty sure she's hilarious.

Emma Thompson, because she and Stephen Fry have been biffles since forever, and they go together like two things that go together quite well.

Adam Savage from Mythbusters. I'd invite Jamie along too, but sometimes he seems like a stick in the mud, so I think Adam and I would have more fun.

Nicola Tesla (even though he's dead. Because really, what are the chances I'd talk to any of these other people?). Mostly because he was crazy mccrazypants. Brilliant, yes. But comPLETEly bonkers. I'm not sure what we would talk about--I think I'd just let him ramble.

So yeah, that's my Fantasy Dinner Conversation team at the moment. I'm always adding to it (ooh, Tilda Swinton. She's totally invited).

I will leave you with this:  Emma Thompson and Stephen Fry reminiscing about the good old days and boobies.

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