28 December, 2009

career day in fantasy land

fantasy jobs I would like to have, in no particular order:

1. food journalist, or at least the person who arranges food to be photographed for magazines, etc.

2. potter

3. cooper

4. personal cook

5. cafe owner

6. the owner of a really cool garden center

7. children's book illustrator

8. legitimate archaeologist

maybe one of these will pan out someday. or all of them. or none. but at least I can dream.

23 December, 2009

change is difficult

Yesterday I was waiting at the trolley stop for my ride home, and there was one other person in the station with me. We ignored each other for about five minutes, like you do, and I was lost in my own thoughts, when I heard him say "hey, 'scuse me." I turned around and we proceeded to have the following exchange:

Him: "So is there a difference between a quarter dollar and a quarter?"

Me: "...Sorry, what?"

Him: (holds out handful of quarters, some old, and some the newer 'state' coins) "See, these are quarters, but these other ones say 'quarter dollars,' and I don't wanna give the trolley too much when I get on."

Me: "Actually, you've only got quarters there, so you should be fine."

Him: "Yeah, but these ones say 'quarter dollar,' and these only say 'quarter.' "[NOTE: All quarters say "quarter dollar. All of them. See pictures below."]

Me: "I think you'll be fine."

Him: "Aight, thanks. I just didn't want to give 'em too much,."

I'd like to note here that this guy had every appearance of being a functional human being. He wasn't drunk or anything and he was clearly American (calm down, I'm not being racist, I'm just saying he had no excuse not to be familiar with this country's currency).

So from now on I think there should be a whole new arrangement for coin denominations. Let's have quarter dollars, dime dollars, nickel dollars and penny dollars--all worth a dollar! They're just a different kind of dollar!

(Dear U.S. Mint: please make my wish come true. That would be super awesome. Thanks!)

22 December, 2009

18 December, 2009

whoops. do-over.

okay, so I have a blog commitment problem. I completely fell off the blogging wagon for months, but I've reformed, and I'm totally going to stick with it this time. Maybe.

I like this blog page but was tired of those old entries, so I deleted them all and I'm starting with a blank slate. We'll see where it goes. There will be cooking adventures, photos, illustrations, and probably some words or something. Yeah.

Here are some thoughts that I wasn't able to expand into an actual entry:

---It's 9:42 in the morning, and all I can think about is the chicken marsala that I'm going to order when I go to lunch with my co-workers this afternoon.

---That's not actually true. I'm also thinking about the red wine that I wish I could order with that chicken marsala, but won't be able to because it's a working lunch and apparently you're not supposed to drink at work.

---You know how on any mainstream crime show (CSI, Bones, pick your poison) there's all this made-up technology and it's super helpful? Like, they feed a picture of a skull or a fingerprint or a molar into a computer and it goes BEEEoooop-boop-boop flicker-through-lots-of-images-HEY-LOOK-THIS-ONE'S-A-MATCH! Um...do ACTUAL crime scene investigators ever look at that stuff and go...yeah, we should probably go ahead and invent some of that shit...because HEY, sports fans--have you noticed that the show always ends when they catch the thief/psychopath killer/misunderstood genius/drug lord? MAKE IT HAPPEN.

---I'll only be able to hear saxophone-based slow-jazz renditions of "Let it Snow" two or three more times before I completely lose my shit.

--frozen toastable waffles are one of the VERY few things of that ilk that I wish I'd had growing up. Chef Boyardee, Kraft macaroni--that kind of thing never darkened our cupboards, and I don't really care that I missed out. But Aunt Jemima...you have a way with waffles, madam. I regret not having made your acquaintance sooner.

---I'm riveted by this website (NSFW). I love the sheer scope and volume of bad decisions.