19 April, 2010

food therapy

I'm going to try to make some fresh cheese this evening. Apparently it's easy, but I tried on Saturday and it completely didn't work. Total bust. And it's so easy, in theory. Heat some milk, add an acid (lemon juice or white vinegar), which coagulates the milk into curds and whey. Strain curds from whey. Squeeze and smush together. Voila! Fresh cheese! Attempt number two will work, gosh darn it, because I looked it up and now I have the proportions and method right. I hope. I'll take some pictures and make a photo essay out of it.

For dinner tonight:

Butternut squash soup (from a carton...thanks, Trader Joe's!) with buttery black-pepper croutons
Sauteed swiss chard with garlic, lemon, onion and kalamata olives

Maybe I'll make some bread/pizza dough tonight too...I'm on such a chef-y kick lately. I've been watching a ton of Iron Chef. Plus, I'm more stressed than usual, and cooking gets me into my happy place.

Cheesemaking adventure pictures and luscious dinner pictures soon to come!


  1. look up the recipe for paneer, it might be easier...or the same. I don't like paneer so I'll never learn to make homemade cheese.

  2. That's actually the recipe I'm using! :) I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time, but I think it had something to do with boiling the milk too much. Oh well.
