28 July, 2010

my new conversation technique

I often find myself in the uncomfortable social position of being involved in a conversation that I would desperately like to end, but have no convenient or tactful way to do so. Either I'm talking to someone who won't let me get a word in edgewise, or it's someone who I didn't want to even interact with in the first place but who saw me across the street and I didn't avert my eyes quickly enough and they saw me and were all like "heeeeeyyyyy" and glommed on for a chat, and now I'm fishing desperately for things to say to make them go away, but instead just sort of awkwardly point in some random direction and mutter something about that thing that I had to go do while I edge away.

SO. I've decided that from now on, whenever I get stuck in those kinds of conversations, I am just going to take my social cues from this goat:

"Yeah so then I was like 'hey so I was on my Twitter account and I --"
"Um. Ok. So I--"
"Yeah, you know what? I actually have to run, I gotta get to this thing."

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