11 March, 2010

catching some z's

Last night was an unusual venture into mid-week shenanigans--I went out to the New Deck Tavern for Wednesday night Quizo (their spelling, not mine. I would spell it "quizzo," and it bothers me not to see that double z. But maybe I'm just conditioned because I like pizza a lot). Emily K. and I had been talking for months now about finding a bar that does trivia quizzes, and this was the first scouting mission. I rate the experience about a six-and-a-half out of ten for a few reasons:

1. The tavern holds Quizo on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10pm. My bedtime is usually sometime between 9:30 and 10:30, and I am a creature who craves her warm blankies and sleep. So heading out to an event that starts at 10pm AND requires brainpower was kind of a big deal.

2. There were only two of us. That's nothing agains Emily--she's super fun and I love her company, but for a bar outing to be really good, you sometimes need a whole pack of people. Also, for a trivia game, the more brains you have with you, the better. Everybody brings their own weird knowledge to the table.

3. The questions were kind of dumb.  I don't really know anything about television shows before 2004 or sports statistics, but then again, I'm not a college guy. And there were a lot of college guys there, so I guess the quizmaster threw them a bone. There were some good questions, but I wasn't captivated. And it was a dollar per person to play...I would have preferred no fee at all, although Emily was the sugarmama for the evening, so I can't complain.

SO. Next time, there will be more people, at least one of whom follows the NFL and other sporty acronyms. I will take a nap before dinner so I am not a sleepy lightweight. And I will earnestly petition the owners of the New Deck to please please put an extra z in Quizo. Ok! It's a PLAN.

In unrelated news, a Spanish study has shown that (Spanish) women experienced more intense "habitual guilt" with much more frequency than men. These statistics showed up in all three test groups used in the study. When approached with the resulting data, the men said "meh," and the women said they were sorry. (I'm kidding. But really? They needed funding to reach those conclusions?)

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, next time you go out for Quizo, let me know! I want to start going to one again.
