18 December, 2009

whoops. do-over.

okay, so I have a blog commitment problem. I completely fell off the blogging wagon for months, but I've reformed, and I'm totally going to stick with it this time. Maybe.

I like this blog page but was tired of those old entries, so I deleted them all and I'm starting with a blank slate. We'll see where it goes. There will be cooking adventures, photos, illustrations, and probably some words or something. Yeah.

Here are some thoughts that I wasn't able to expand into an actual entry:

---It's 9:42 in the morning, and all I can think about is the chicken marsala that I'm going to order when I go to lunch with my co-workers this afternoon.

---That's not actually true. I'm also thinking about the red wine that I wish I could order with that chicken marsala, but won't be able to because it's a working lunch and apparently you're not supposed to drink at work.

---You know how on any mainstream crime show (CSI, Bones, pick your poison) there's all this made-up technology and it's super helpful? Like, they feed a picture of a skull or a fingerprint or a molar into a computer and it goes BEEEoooop-boop-boop flicker-through-lots-of-images-HEY-LOOK-THIS-ONE'S-A-MATCH! Um...do ACTUAL crime scene investigators ever look at that stuff and go...yeah, we should probably go ahead and invent some of that shit...because HEY, sports fans--have you noticed that the show always ends when they catch the thief/psychopath killer/misunderstood genius/drug lord? MAKE IT HAPPEN.

---I'll only be able to hear saxophone-based slow-jazz renditions of "Let it Snow" two or three more times before I completely lose my shit.

--frozen toastable waffles are one of the VERY few things of that ilk that I wish I'd had growing up. Chef Boyardee, Kraft macaroni--that kind of thing never darkened our cupboards, and I don't really care that I missed out. But Aunt Jemima...you have a way with waffles, madam. I regret not having made your acquaintance sooner.

---I'm riveted by this website (NSFW). I love the sheer scope and volume of bad decisions.

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